अलादीन का उड़ने वाला कालीन बनाने की तरफ वैज्ञानिक

आपने पानी पर तैरती वस्तुओं को देखा है, हवा में भी कई वस्तुएं तैर सकती हैं. अलादीन मूवी में जादुई

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Regular exercise promotes general brain health

Neuroscientists at OHSU in Portland, Oregon, working with mice, have discovered that a short burst of exercise directly boosts the

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Deep-water divers formed an unlikely friendship with a manta ray

Deep-water divers Jake Wilton and Monty Halls formed an unlikely friendship with a manta ray after she appeared to ask

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Divers have swum with a huge barrel jellyfish

Divers have swum with a huge barrel jellyfish off the coast of Cornwall. Lizzie Daly, a biologist with Wild Ocean

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Connecting the brain to an interface would create “superintelligence”

NeuraLink, a company set up by Elon Musk to explore ways to connect the human brain to a computer interface,

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